Krankz Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The German Secret to Fat Loss

Back in the 30s, two Germans, a track coach and a doctor, discovered a breakthrough in fitness and fat loss. They realized that doing a short burst of activity followed by a short rest was the best way burn fat fast and to exercise.

Using the their technique, athletes sprinted 200 meters and then rested for a short period.

Then they repeated it, doing the exact same thing. And again.

Their atheletes broke world record after world record and saw tremendous fat loss. The first man to run the mile in under 4 minutes, Roger Bannister, used this type of workout.

It's now called called high-intensity interval training.

But few people are conditioned enough to do it.

Could most of us sprint the length of 2 football fields and then be ready to do it again after a 90-second break? I'd venture to say, no.

But progressivity is a better way to do it and you can burn fat in minutes a day.

No need to start with a high-intensity workout, rather we work our way up. How? We just have to tax ourselves a little bit more as it becomes easier.

Yes, you can get the benefits of high-intensity training, regardless of the level you start at, meaning that you can expand your lung capacity, protect your heart, and see a lot of fat loss by making small, incremental changes along the way.

First, pick an activity that you enjoy. Something like bicycling and swimming that will give your heart and lungs a bit of a challenge. Your beginning workouts will depend on your current level of fitness.

Some guidelines:

Begin with light stretching and a light warm-up before each session.

Make it 20 minutes every other day.

Take it easy and increase gradually.

Increase the intensity of the exercise as you get into better shape,

Later, break the 20 minutes of exercise into shorter "mini-intervals" of exercise and rest periods.

Use shorter and shorter intervals. This way you can easily and gradually up the intensity.

Follow all 20-minute sessions with a light activity "cool down" for a couple of minutes to help reduce muscle soreness after exercise.

As the going gets easier, put your focus on increasing the intensity. As your body adapts, take it up a notch. You should never feel lightheaded.

Being slightly winded and panting is what you're striving for and you'll begin to see that fat loss you desire!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My recipe for fat loss burning apple delight...

I was watching the season premiere of one of my
favorite TV shows, 'The Office' the other night and on the
show, the whole office staff was doing a fat loss
challenge..., I loooove this show, but there was one scene where
one of the office workers catches one of the employees
eating peanut butter-

-well, the guy eating the peanut butter gets reemed out for
eating 'fatty food'!


Peanut Butter is not bad for fact, all natural
peanut butter, almond butter and other nut butters are
fantastic sources of healthy fats that will actually make
you burn more fat faster...

...yes, it is higher in calories, but that doesn't mean it
isn't healthy or can't be part of a fat burning lifestyle...

So try this for a super healthy and delicious snack:

1. Take an apple and remove the core (keep the skin on)

2. Slice it 5 times so you are left with 6 circular slices

3. Take a tablespoon of all natural peanut or almond butter
and spread it on three of the slices.

4. Take the other 3 naked apple slices and stick 'em on the
buttered ones to make 3 tasty little fat burning apple
delight sandwiches.

Eat 'em and enjoy...YUM!

...but you'd never enjoy this awesome recipe if you watched
TV when I did, as you might be tempted to continue thinking
all Peanut Butter is a BAD FOOD CHOICE.

So again, with all of the misinformation and confusion out
there about nutrition, you have to stay on top of things...

...if you're shopping for nut butters in your grocery store,

Many of the top brands out there include the dreaded fat
storing High Fructose Corn Syrup as one of the main the deadly partially hydrogentated check the ingredients on label and look for 2
things: peanuts and salt...that's it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fat Loss Tip: Burn More Fat on the Treadmill

Did you know that running for one hour or more per week reduces your chance of coronary heart disease by 42%, according to Harvard researchers.

Here are some ways to make it more effective and fun:

Adjust the treadmill's speed for about 50% of your full effort. Set the incline at 3% and run for 20 - 30 seconds, then return to a zero incline for 30 seconds. Repeat this sequence at 5%, and then 7%. That's one repetition. Do eight to 10 repetitions.

Try "Negative splits" by running faster at the end than at the start. Start at a jog, and at every quarter mile, punch the speed button one beep higher. (You can do this for any length interval.) Push this as long as you like, but give yourself a smooth cooldown.

This makes it less tedious, and training your body to start slow and end fast will pay off next time you're in a road race; you'll hold back at the start when your adrenaline is high, and finish strong when others fade.

Run for 3 minutes at a 3 percent incline, then flatten it out and maintain the same level of effort by speeding up the belt a few notches for 1 minute. Recover with a minute of jogging, and then repeat the sequence three times.

If you're bored with the readouts on the treadmill, add another source of input: a heart-rate monitor. "You should train at 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate, because as you exceed 80 percent, results do not increase proportionally to your work," says Richard Stein, M.D., a spokesman for the American Heart Association. See how inclines affect your rate, and notice how quickly your heart recovers from a burst of effort.

Just mix things up and have some fun!

Larry Potter

Friday, January 8, 2010

Nothing fails like success with fat loss...what?

Today I wanted to let you
in on a little secret that continually screws up perfectly
nice people's efforts for a lean and fit body. What is it?

Well, you're probably already familiar with it, and almost
assuredly have been bitten by it a time or two or more. And
in health and fitness it's responsible for the idea that
'nothing fails like success.'

What the heck does that mean?

Let me explain...

Just go to your local newsstand or bookstore and scan any of
the fitness magazines on display. They most certainly have
a very attractive and perfect looking model on the cover.

Take a look at the products in the ads in those same
magazines. They typically sport the same perfect looking

It's probably not a surprise that we are instantly attracted
to this type of image and ideal, but not on the
surface...I'm talking subconsciously. Our subconscious
minds eat this stuff up and make us believe that these
products and the people who push them must be the authority
because they look so great.

What I'm talking about here are the genetic few that have a
gigantic advantage over the rest of us in getting a dynamite

Do I hate these people? Maybe a little...but what I hate
more is that most people with normal genetics look to these
people and figure that their methods must be the best.

After all, if they look that good, they must know what
they're doing, right? Not always, and most of the time this
is just plain wrong.

In fact, many of those experts with perfect bodies would
look that way, or very close to it, without doing much at
all. I've met people that could exist on a diet of pizza
and beer and maintain a relatively low body fat percentage.

I also know a few that seemingly build muscle just by
stepping foot into a gym. (OK that last one is an
exaggeration, but you get the picture)

So that brings me back to the subject of this message,
nothing fails like success. When you see someone with a
perfect looking body at your gym, on TV, on the web, or
wherever, don't blindly follow their routine or methods.
Their apparent 'success' could just bring you failure.

Instead of looking to those who are genetically perfect for
advice, you should be seeking out the knowledge of those who
have made big improvements, apply principles that make
sense, and have been able help others do the same.